Friday, May 28, 2010

Been awhile since I updated this thing...

Guess I should bring you up to speed on my progress, eh? I'll admit I don't have the time to practice my knots and ties as often as I'd like, but I assure you the lack of updates does not mean I have lost interest. I have a full-time job and a wonderful relationship with two lovely ladies, a Fire Performance troupe to run, plus tons of side projects in leatherworking to keep my very, very busy.

I have gone through the books a bit and have been, when I have the time, attempting to duplicate the ties represented in them. I am finding Midori's book a bit less helpful, as hand-drawn diagrams in black-on-white linework with no shading, textures, or depth tend to confuse and confound me. It's the same reason I hate trying to learn from my leather braiding books. The Two Knotty Boys' books are turning out to be far more helpful, since their work is beautifully photographed, even in their first book which was shot in black-and-white. NOTE: Please do not take this to mean I find no value in Midori's "The Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage." I just find the diagrams to be less helpful in understanding the ties. I HAVE duplicated three of the ties from her book thus far:

The Simple Open Leg Crab:

I like this one because it leaves your partner "Open" to plenty of sexual possibilities... I have chosen here to combine it with one of my favorites from my previous experience with rope, severe breast bondage in a hybrid Japanese and Western style, featuring breast bars. Model: Lorelai

Also with Lorelai, the Arm and Chest:

Continuing with Lorelai, I chose to get more artistic with the full-length version of the Tortoise body harness:


I saw this tie after Lorelai had just gotten a tattoo designed, depicting her as a mermaid... Inspiration took the wheel. We'll be revisiting this idea when we have a better location and props to shoot with.

Now on to Myzeray, of whom I have fewer new photos to show you, but this is largely due to the fact that I see her only on weekends. The work I have done with her is freeform, usinf knots taught by the Two Knotty Boys:

Inspiration for the "Fallen Angel" style of the pictures started out intended as a fairy. But the extreme amount of lace left over after tying her rig made more sense splayed out as angel wings. This idea came to me at the same time as the Mermaid concept. Again, we will be revisiting this as I have time.

And coming back to Lorelai, I have another from Two Knotty Boys.
I give you: The Claw.

I love the access this one gives, though it is easy to slip out of when tied as presented in the book. I personally intend to start slipping loops through the bend in the arm near the elbow to keep the last loop from being slipped off the elbow and the tie escaped/ruined. Also, to present the look in the photo,it relies on the submissive holding their arms in this postition. I prefer to leave some excess at the end of the tie and knot the ends together behind the head to facilitate holding the arms up and out of the way of more... Exploratory options.

All in all though. I am finding both authors' books greatly helpful in my pursuit of this artform, and I look forward to bringing you my next chapter. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the pictures!