Sunday, March 27, 2011

Once again, been awhile...

I know... I should update more. LOL.

Anyway, here are some recent ties I've done for you all to enjoy!

Above is the lovely Lorelai in a modified butterfly harness. I had to change it in such a way to eliminate the crotch rope, so that she could remain accessible to me. This was a full access play tie.

And this is why you want to eliminate the crotch rope for play ties...;-)

Next up, we have Lorelai in a Dragonfly Arm Sleeve:

Not a bad tie overall, but it slips and shifts during play. This tie is going to need some modification for play and actual security so that it doesn't have that problem. Let me put my mind to it and I'll post pics when I work it out. At the very least it's pretty and elegant in appearance.

And last but not least, we have Lorelai obce more in a redux of the classic Japanese arm and chest harness:

I really only made one modification to the original. The very start of this tie is with the wrists and if it's not done exactly right, the submissive can simply pull free. I used a lark's head and some additional twists and wraps to keep it from tightening and proceeded as dictated by the traditional design of the tie. It is easy to see that this tie leaves the submissive's openings all completely accessible, yet keeps the submissive completely secured and helpless.

So anyway, that's it for now. Anyone with feedback please feel free to comment.