Saturday, March 27, 2010


So before I get too caught up in what I've done so far with rope and with my studies, allow me to credit my current sources-- my bibliography if you will. You see, when it comes to books to learn from, while there are literally thousands of how-to books on knots, bondage and the like, there are two entities who are considered THE authorities on the subject, at least here in my neck of the woods. I do not mean they are local mind you, just that everyone in my area seems to recommend these people's books. SO... Um, who am I to to ignore such advice from so many of the same sources?

The first of the authors I would like to mention is Midori. She published the book "The Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage." It is considered the first book any Shibari student should read, as the methods used therein are very much traditional, and classic ties are covered throughout.

So the next author I would like to credit is actually two... Two Knotty Boys, to be specific. The two of them have done something I've tossed about in my head for a couple years now-- Incorporating Chinese knotting into shibari, to create an even MORE artistic rope bondage style. I had wanted to do this for some time now, but found the books on the subject of Chinese knotting either too droll and boring to hole my interest or filled with diagrams that a psychiatrist could use for a fucking rorshach test. The first hing you'll notice in teh books published by Two Knotty Boys is the photo breakdowns they have for the knots are pretty easy to understand. I found myself learning knots surprisingly easily thanks to them. These guys not only went eclectic on this subject, they did it with style and humor... You won't find the books they've published, "Showing You the Ropes" and "Back on the Ropes," the least bit dry or dull.

Not only that, but they've got a YouTube channel on which they cover how various knots are tied:


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Where I'm starting off at:

The following images are all examples of my ropework to date, in no particular order. These pieces were tied before I decided to devote more time to dedicated study of the art. These images contain nudity and feature women of varied body types from plump to obese. These women are my friends and loved ones. I never bought in to the notion that beauty only comes in small packages.

In future postings, credit will be given to the model. In the meantime, forgive me, it's been an exhausting week.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Beginning my studies

Greetings. You were interested enough to peruse my blog, and I welcome and thank you for that. My name is Master Frederick, and I have been a BDSM top for the better part of twenty years now. I don't pretend to know everything, and in fact this blog is about my attempt to learn more about a subject that has always intrigued me: Shibari, or Japanese Rope Bondage.

For me the allure has always been the artistic quality of the style, and the seductive aspect of lavishing that much attention on the submissive involved. To see the intricate weaving, wrapping and knotting and to ponder how long it must have taken to do just right makes me wonder how much it must have thrilled the submissive to be focused on so intently. I have seen pictures of ties so intricate that they are absolutely breathtaking, and it is my opinion that the style has elevated what used to be a simple kink to the level of high art. This blog is dedicated to my attempt to learn that.

Up til now I have merely dabbled in the subject, and as such consider myself an absolute novice to the art. Following my studies should give you an idea of what it takes to learn this subject and (if it interests you in the least) it should also show you that if I can learn it, so can you. Throughout my studies I will be posting pictures of my progress, and there will be nudity involved, so if nudity offends you then reading this blog is not for you.